A Goddess Mindset Shift

Let me paint a picture for you…

At 6am you wake up to your alarm, turn it off, and continue to lay in bed because you are absolutely exhausted.. you’re tired, you’re dreading your day job, and can barely lift an eyelid nonetheless get your entire body out of bed.

But alas, after 30 minutes of scrolling on instagram and watching 20 different versions of posed morning routines, you get yourself to roll out of bed and b-line it to the coffee pot. You make your coffee while daydreaming of an IV shooting this golden liquid straight into your veins.

After chugging 2-3 cups of coffee, you walk over to your computer to check your email. Hooray! You have lots to do so better get to it. Before you know it you’ve been answering emails and on calls and you haven’t eaten anything. Your day is back to back, so you walk over to the pantry and see your partner bought some salt and vinegar chips. You grab the bag and shove chips into your mouth while you’re off camera on a call.

Eventually you get some lunch. You have some time and you go to your bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. You pick at your skin because you see some blackheads… you pick and pick and soon you have 2 new scabs on your face. You also lift up your shirt and turn to the side and think about those girls on your instagram feed… all the sudden you have a wave of hate for your body.

Before you know it 4:00 pm is here and you are about to be done with work. You know you need to get to your workout because you ate those damn potato chips today and this past weekend you had some cake for your sibling’s birthday.

You struggle your way through the workout and can’t wait to get home. You are totally exhausted and are dreaming of the moment when you can collapse on the couch and zone out to Love is Blind on Netflix. You fall asleep on the couch and zombie-walk to bed.

Does any of this sound familiar? Some of it? All of it? Maybe these things speak to you-

  • You don’t want to shave your legs or your bikini because it’s time consuming and a pain in the ass.

  • Your husband wants to have sex with you and you are totally annoyed because you’ve had the longest/ most stressful week.

  • You eat a whole bag of potato chips after dinner and wake up feeling wildly guilty and tell yourself that you need to workout extra.

  • You scroll on tiktok/ instagram for 30 minutes and see hundreds of women that seem to have the “perfect” body and get off with a frustration about the beauty standards that we are put up against. (which, ugh.)

  • Picking out an outfit in the morning is tedious/ time consuming… and damn! Can’t I just wear sweat pants today?!

AND all of this punishment to yourself and a punishment to your body. It’s so… sad. Right?! To be totally honest that sounds like a pretty normal day to me and it also sounds like a TOTAL DRAG.

We are not in the business of living a sad life. We are in the business of helping women live a more sacred, more beautiful, and more radiant life (both inward and outward). But how is it possible for the modern woman to do this?

Mindset Shift- Think Like a Goddess 

What would your day look like if you started to view yourself as a divine being? As a woman that deserves to be treated like a goddess? A woman that God/ Source/ Goddess/ Universe/ Spirit/ choose your word specifically chose/ designed to be here on the planet at this exact point in time and NEVER intended for you to treat yourself less than a radiant, divine being. I say “what if”, but this is already the truth. No other woman has your soul, your body, or your mind. You are, in fact, a uniquely divine being. Your body is an altar to this divinity. 

What would it look like if you remembered this throughout your day? How would you look at yourself? How would you treat yourself? How would you look at other women knowing that they too are divine goddesses?  I guarantee you life would look a lot different than the day that I just described above.

The Goddess Mindset Shift

So… what would a day with a goddess mindset look like? 

  • She wakes up with excitement and joy. She’s ready to get the day started, thrilled to live another day on this earth. 

  • Looks at her body in the mirror and admires in awe and thinks- Wow, I’m so beautiful. My body is full of gorgeous curves and lines. 

  • She puts on a robe that makes her feel sensual and beautiful. 

  • Blesses her body with liquid in the morning… fresh water, electrolytes, maybe some lemon water. 

  • She sips/ savors her favorite tea or coffee from her favorite mug.

  • She meditates and connects with the divine.

  • She gifts her body with a workout. Not for a punishment, not because she ate potato chips. This is a gift to strengthen and energize her altar.

  • She takes a mindful, luxurious shower… massaging shampoo and conditioner into her scalp.

  • She wears clothes that are comfortable and that make her feel beautiful. Maybe that’s a dress, maybe that’s leggings and a beautiful sweater. 

  • She adorns herself with jewelry, decorating her body with jewels and crystals that light up her eyes and make her feel glowy and radiant.

  • She nurtures her body with fresh nutritious foods.

  • She can’t wait to pleasure herself or make love to her partner because she feels sexy and confident. 

  • She takes dance breaks throughout the day at work because it lights her up. She returns with new creative energy and radiance after every dance break. 

  • After the kids have gone to bed she makes some time to stretch and have some of her favorite sleepy time tea.

You get the idea… going through a day with this mindset looks a whole lot different than dreading our every next move (from waking up, to going to work, to making dinner, to collapsing in bed). Notice that none of the above was written in a way to feel beautiful/ radiant for someone else. This is for YOU, for YOUR BODY. Everyone else just gets to benefit from the magnificent energy that comes from this mindset and shift. 

The reality is we are all human. Is every single day going to look like this by shifting your mindset? No… hell no. Life happens However, even the more mundane tasks will start to feel more fun and pleasurable because YOU my dear get to live another day in your divine temple. 

Making this shift can be hard when our brain has been hardwired throughout our life to do the opposite. Modern Sacred shared 3 Goddess Rituals that can be easily implemented into your life to find both pleasure and radiance in your daily experience.


3 Goddess Routines To Try This Week